Unrivaled element during an attack or ambush because it allows you to maintain a distance from the attacker.
Based on the model and size of the current XXL defense umbrella which will particularly appeal to people of medium or large size, we present a new model of defense umbrella with a curved handle.
Beyond its aesthetics, the shape has in fact been studied specifically for the defense of those who prefer this type of classic handle, the additional advantage is to be able to use it to seize the attacker from behind.
This umbrella is exceptional and unique because of its assembly and the robust parts that make it up.
In fact the buyer of this umbrella understands that in terms of his security, he cannot compromise, his umbrella must be impeccable.
If you travel frequently by plane, we recommend the City model for umbrella size reasons.
Here is a video filmed by self-defense specialists which shows you its incredible solidity, its stability and the confidence you gain from it!
You can stand, hit very hard objects, drive over it, it will never break, see attached test
Not only will it protect you from the rain, but also from all difficult situations and circumstances. Always discreet and elegant but efficient and reliable, the ideal companion for your walks and trips that you don't need to think about taking with you...
All the benefits you can get from it:
- Functional and elegant umbrella with automatic opening.
- The central rod is virtually unbreakable.
- Even measuring 102 cm, it only weighs 900 grams.
- It can support the weight of a person of 120 kg
- It can be transported anywhere legally (airports, official offices, events) unlike all other means of defense.
- The only metal it contains is in its tip.
- The curved handle is made of elegant solid chestnut, of sufficient diameter to pass around the neck...
- The umbrella comes with its protective case and a shoulder cord.
- Rubber tip provided
Total Length: 102cm
Weight: 900g
Opening diameter: 130cm
Attention; for relay deliveries avoid LOCKERS as they are limited in length
To protect it or use your umbrella as a walking aid, add its solid and aesthetic rubber tip , you can also hang it on our coat rack which also serves as a hiding place
Belle objet belle finition laisse une grande impression de solidité
Matériel à la hauteur de mes attentes. Qualité de service excellent !
Beautiful and seem very strong
plus grand que je ne l'imaginai j'avais déja la version urbaine pour les transports en commun la taille XXL est vraiment grande, est assez grande pour abriter un coeur à notre côté sous la pluie Ayant pratiqué les arts martiaux avec un baton je dois dire que cela peux être vraiment utile en cas de problème sera une aide précieuse et puissante
Discret, solide et potentiellement dévastateur… l’accessoire indispensable à l’homme moderne évoluant en ville.
Excellent produit, très bonne facture, grande surface d’abri. Solidité du manche et bonne prise en main de la poignée.
Superbe parapluie
Du solide et parfaitement fini. Un très grand parapluie pour se protéger aussi des intempéries....
Excellent !
excellent , robuste et tres beau , n hesitez pas
Génial ce parapluie est vraiment impressionnant par sa robustesse , et d'une discrétion absolue puisque c'est in produit totalement libre ! J'ai regardé la video et il y a pas mal d'idées dessus ...